Wo-Zha-Wa Farmer’s Market Vendors

 Farmer’s Market Vendor definition: Vendor’s from Wisconsin selling their own harvested goods. Examples are non-processed fruits and vegetables, plants, honey and maple syrup. Other items may apply. Packaged and processed items do not qualify.

  • Farmer’s Market Vendors shall arrange space to rent from Trinity Luthern Church.
  • All vendors from the Art Fair, Flea Market, Service Clubs and all other vendors on private property shall have affixed to their booth or sales location, in a prominent place, a license issued by the City of Wisconsin Dells. The Wisconsin Dells Police Department shall enforce the license requirement and violators will be ticketed and fined $424.00 per day.  Violators who default in payment of their forfeiture may be confined in the county jail not more than three (3) days.      
  • Farmer’s Market Vendor Fees are $110


Farmer's Market Permit Application